Cove Chapter Two

Leaving Uni & Running Cove Full-time
Although it often doesn't feel like it, I started Cove two years ago whilst in my second year of University. I've been in the midst of my finals over the last two months but have finally finished my Masters in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management (Business) at the University of Nottingham.
Whilst it is a little scary to have finished uni, it's also incredibly exciting. I'm fortunate enough to be able to take the plunge to run Cove full-time. Over the last two years Cove has been a focus, but I've only been able to dedicate weekends or evenings to it. Now with a renewed focus, I can get on with delivering the best products and content that the Cove community love!
New Website
In the very beginning, Cove very quickly needed a (inexpensive) website. Over a couple of months I taught myself the basics of coding and created what turned out to be a pretty cool site. However, two years later the business has grown substantially and the website has been holding the business back.
So, over the last 3 months I've been working with developers at Spydr to craft a new, improved site (which you are now on!). The new site is complete with customer accounts (allowing you to see past orders), a behind the scenes inventory management system (for the businesses who now stock Cove in their shops) as well as a few other background features.
The feedback so far has been fantastic, and I'm confident the new site will massively improve customers shopping experience of shopping.
Since Cove launched, the product line has grown from 3 t-shirts to 27 different products, from up-cycled caps to recycled sweatshirts and from organic t-shirts to coffee flasks!
Rather than the classic seasonal collections (which often need discounting and create waste), I've been working on new products which you will (hopefully!) love all year round. New drop is coming mid-July! Expect to see your new favourite graphic tees, new fits, colours and entirely new products... 👀
What's Next?
Well, as of now I'm working on Cove full-time. I'm currently based between Bristol and North Cornwall however am working on a dedicated physical space for Cove coming soon!
On that note, Cove is going to have boots on the ground this year with a pop-up shop/stand at festivals and indie markets this summer. Anyone who finds us and is wearing a Cove product will immediately become my hero...
Thank You
Cove really did start as a dream, and I am very grateful to everyone who has supported my small business so far, from friends and family to the ever-growing 2,000+ customers.
I can't wait to see what's next for Cove.
Tom Sproull | Founder